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Suggestion:  If you have used our website before we would be pleased if you "refreshed" or "reloaded" this page now as there are many positive updates we would like you to see.  

... and thanks for returning again.

S-100A / 10A Wildland Fire Fighting Annual Safety Refresher Course - An Overview
Course Preview at bottom of page  

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Watch for our 10% Discount

  • S-100A Annual Safety Refresher Course -         $22 / $28 (mailed card)
  • WHMIS Safety Course - $22 / $28 (mailed card)
  • Combine the S-100A and WHMIS for a great deal of only - $32 / $38 (mailed card)

If you have been to this site previously you may wish to "Refresh" or "Reload" the pages when you come to them as there are several changes and upgrades. (for this reason it is a good practice to do this on ANY web site / page that you have previously visited)

Scroll down to bottom of page to register and begin the course and take quiz.

Please Note

If you are not quite successful with the Quiz, for your convenience, you are immediately taken back to the first section of the course which can save you some time and it makes it very easy to try again.

Or - you may wish to read the material over again first which is recommended.

Good luck.

There is no extra charge to retake the exam.

You will have several chances at the exam which should be very adequate as this is a refresher course. You will not have to pay an extra fee.

This online safety refresher course is designed for those people who currently possess a valid, S-100 Fire Fighting Certificate OR a valid S-100a / 10a Annual Refresher Card. Some folks may be more familiar with calling this the 10a refresher course. It is the same course.

British Columbia & Canada

This course is directed toward the W.C.B. (WorkSafe B.C.) regulation - Occupational Health and Safety, (OHSR) Part 26, Section 26.19. This section requires anyone wishing to be employed on the fire line must have proper training to an acceptable standard. The standard that has been set is the Ministry of Forest's two day, S-100 Basic Fire Suppression Course. An annual review (S-100A) of the safety features of the S-100 course is also required by WorkSafeBC.

OHSR s. 26.3.1 (1) requires that workers in a forestry operation who fight a forest fire must be trained. "Any untrained (to the acceptable standard) forest worker deciding, or ordered, to stay and engage a fire would place the employer in non-compliance."

The S-100a safety refresher course does NOT cover actual fire fighting procedures or tactics. The S-100a course is designed as a review of safety issues within the S-100 Course. We have also added other safety issues which are not in the S-100 but we feel are important. (i.e. rattlesnakes, hantavirus, and some vehicle safety)

We make every attempt to keep all information as current as possible. Please note our comments which address the safety concerns of firefighting in stands of trees killed by the Mountain Pine Beetle.

It should also be noted that it is the responsibility of the worker, in cooperation with their employer, to be briefed on the specific company's fire equipment and internal safety policies and procedures.

A common Question we receive - "How many of our crew are required to have the S-100 training?"

We have checked into this and the answer from WorkSafeBC (W.C.B.) is 100% of your ground crew who may be working in the forest MUST have taken and passed the complete, two day S-100 course, if, at any time they may be involved in a firefighting situation. The S-100A or 10a, as some refer to it as is the required annual safety refresher course for the S-100.

This course is intended to provide you with a meaningful review of the pertinent safety features of the B.C. Forest Service, Protection's S-100 Program. You must have completed the two day S-100 Course therefore all the material presented here is just review. Read each section carefully.

If you are unsure of any topics you will find it very easy to go back and forth through the course material.

"GLOSSARY" There is a GLOSSARY Link in the navigation bar on each page. If you are looking for clarification on a word or term, you are encouraged to take a look. You will automatically be returned to the page you are currently on when you finish with the GLOSSARY.

No matter what anyone tells you, at this time and not in the foreseeable future, is there or will there be a Province Wide Data Base for persons who have successfully completed the S-100 or S-100A Courses.

Each instructor must keep their own list of students taught. No one else has access to these lists unless there may be a WorkSafeBC investigation of some type.

This is going to become a major issue in the near future - KEEP RECORDS OF ALL YOUR TRAINING DETAILS

Click Here To REGISTER & Start Course

S-100A Course Preview

S-100A Annual Safety Refresher Course Contents

    Section 1 - 5 BASIC FIRE BEHAVIOUR
  • 1 - Fire Triangle and Fire Types
  • 2 - Fuel Types
  • 3 - Weather
  • 4 - Topography
  • 5 - Fire Rank System
  • Section 6 - 10

  • 6 - Chain of Command
  • 7 - Fire Assessment and Size Up
  • 8 - Crew Briefing
  • 9 - Personal Gear
  • 10 - Working on the Line
  • Section 11 - 15

  • 11 - Helicopters & Safety
  • 12 - Air Tankers
  • 13 - Heavy Equipment
  • 14 - WATCH OUT (Watch two excellent video clips)
  • 15 - Evacuation Procedures

          Section 16 - 20

  • 16 - Pumps & Water Delivery Systems
  • 17 - Fuel Handling
  • 18 - Emergency Radio Procedures
  • 19 - L A C E S 
  • 20 - Miscellaneous Safety Concerns
  • W.H.M.I.S. (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System)Heat Stress
  • Vehicles & Vehicle Fires (Watch excellent short video)
  • Animals

          Section 21

  • 21 - Equipment - Mk3 Wildfire Pump

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Contact Information


Doug Richardson 




(Click Here)

We wish to acknowledge and thank all organizations and persons for the use of all videos and photos on this web site.