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This page has been inspired by, Jeff, a young lad in Grade 4 attending Sacred Heart School in Connecticut, U.S.A.. His teacher, Sarah, had encouraged her class to do some research about fire safety, using the internet.

Thanks to Jeff and Sarah.


Although we can't add everyone to our list (huge list) we would like to give mention to another fire safety student researcher. Her name is Mia and her grade 5 teacher, Mrs. B. McVey has passed along this terrific home safety link that Mia found. On the site that Mia found are many other absolutely excellent fire safe educational links. Home safety and forest fire safety (Smokey Bear) are well presented with facts and educational games for school children. ... and thanks to the lighting company (Delmarfans) for putting all these links on their web site.

... and of course, thanks to Mia for her good work in finding this main link, we appreciate it. - and now, here it is.

Mia's "Home Safety" link

Here is another great link coming from a student community service project out of Pennsylvania (Cori) Cori and her fellow students are working on a home fire safety project and being mentored by Grace M.

Grace says "...I am currently working with a group of students on a community service project that came to light recently with a needless house fire that happened in our area. The project consists of (among many other things) searching out fire safety info on the web, sharing that info with sites that offer that similar information..."

Cori's "Home Safety" Link

... and Frannie D. kindly sent along this great link.  Take a look.

"Hello, Mr. Richardson!

I wanted to tell you what a great help your page has been for me! I've been collecting resources for my final unit plan that explores what I would include in my own classpage as an elementary teacher. Here's another page that I found really useful: It's an awesome article on fire safety for kids! ..."

Frannie D.

Primary Student Teacher
Seattle Public Schools


My wife is a retired elementary school teacher and I must say, that the dedication I have seen and continue to see from teachers is very heartening.  Even though our planet is going through some tough times, I feel our teachers are reason for continued hope that all things good will prevail.  

Thank you to all teachers - everywhere


Wildland Fire Management Consultant and Instructor


We also acknowledge the plight of the disaster victims in the U.S. (and the world) who have suffered so much as a result of the many and varied natural disasters. 


Although our web site has originally focused on Wildland (forest) fires and fire safety in general, with the inspiration of people like those mentioned above, we will devote this Home Safety section to ALL aspects of home safety. Flooding, tornadoes, etc., will be some of the topics discussed.

Do you have a personal story or experience that you would like to share and you feel it may help others? ... A drawing or picture?


We encourage all interested students to research and submit to us other, useful links that may help all of us to learn and practice safety at home.

Please use this email address,

We may never know if something from this web site may save or have saved a person from injury or even death ... however, if we all "pull" together as a society, we know we may be able to help others in some way.

Doug Richardson
Wildland Fire Management Consultant and Instructor
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Contact Information


Doug Richardson 




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We wish to acknowledge and thank all organizations and persons for the use of all videos and photos on this web site.